Kevin Roon
Scientific Advisor
Kevin Roon received his Ph.D. in linguistics from New York University in 2013, with a specialization in phonetics and phonology. Since 2013, he has been a post-doctoral associate with a joint appointment at the CUNY Graduate Center (New York City) and at Haskins Laboratories (New Haven, CT). His research interests include speech production, how the speech production system interacts with speech perception, computational modeling of phonological planning, and using ultrasound feedback to improve the pronunciation of non-native sounds by foreign language learners. Recent publications have appeared in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition; the Journal of Memory and Language; Psychonomic Bulletin & Review; and Laboratory Phonology. Since 2011, he has conducted workshops at the Oxenfoord International Summer School (Edinburgh, Scotland; Malcolm Martineau, Artistic Director) using ultrasound imaging of the vocal tract to aid singers and singing teachers in visualizing tongue placement during singing, as well as to aid with the correct pronunciation of foreign-language sounds.